The capitol of the Empire,
the cold wind of D.C.,
the Inauguration of President Pepsi Obama.
Having had braved the cold, crowds, for the occasion, affirming the wave of change (however minuscule or grand) which must surely follow this day if only as much as any other day, I in I must say that the possibilities for a USA that is actually-in-substance United have grown exponentially. President Pepsi is no radical progressive, but he is a progressive politician riding the backlash wave of reaction against the Neo-Conservative agenda, so radical change seems poised to crash on into the 'first 100 days' of the rest of history, right...?
Time shall tell. But time told.
And told and told and told.
Time told of how old the world once was.
The Past showed its [arse] and its time had passed.
Time tells of the faint bells that once rung
in the ears of a nation whose hearing had been undone.
Disarmed, disabled, by loud talking psychopathic top 5%ers
centered on dismembering the system as it was.
Time told of the people's time old enslavement,
herded by the storm Gods in Washington or Athens.
Time already spoke of the people's ears opening
as mouths shut on emptiness, eyes woke to chaos,
body now so real for so unfulfilled in a crumbling nation.
Time said it was just a matter of time
and the matter of time unwinds in the lines
of the newly risen Christ Executive Officer.
Time told of the ups and downs of the years to follow,
the years that preceded and the years lost.
Time told that the new rose from the old,
that the old limited the new in these times,
that the new danced to dry the blood tears
of the same old Old Captain Capital that the old obeyed.
Time told us that a US president is still just a US president.
Hell, Time could tell you all about President's, let me tell ya...
Time told I in I that change begins in the subjectivity of the self; change begins in you.
Look at your Self, own up to the faults, envision the future, and change your Self.
Barack Obama, and the public relations firm that ran his campaign, changed the American people, and thus changed the history of the country.
As I in I am trapped in the confines of the Now,
Time will not speak of the details of this change to come.
"Who cares anyway," Time says, "you young punks
finally heard what I've been trying to say for like forever:
Know thyself, then change thyself, and ye may change the World.
Ya bunch a dummies."
Whatever President Pepsi does, through the unprecedented gesture of sacrificing my time and comfort to affirm the possibilities for radical progressive change within the system, and partaking in 'The Inauguration", I in I have changed my Self, and the World must only follow...
That's assuming Time is right, and that blabbermouth goofs definitely senile.