Monday, June 23, 2008

Africa Rising

It is unfortunate, the fate of Africa. Birth place of humanity, perhaps all of life on this planet. Fountain of wisdom, map from our animality to our conscious existence. It gave this earth man, and gave man the foundation for all his knowledge, from Egypt to the present. And look at it now. It's people alienated, its melaninated people destroyed and persecuted, its wisdom forgotten and called lies. A tragedy. Even the post-apartheid governments are rippled with the greed of destructive man and his European and post-European governments and global institutions and corporations. Zimbabwe. What are we going to do people? I guess acknowledging the severity of the issue is number one. Africa is not free. The people of Africa are still destroyed and abused at horrific levels. This international system is still abusing them, and us as them.

Africa Rising

That robbed, beaten, exploited wholly mammoth
That mother, that bitch, that incessantly inconvenient truth
Fat, slow, old, wise, spiritual pregnant elephant
Drearily dancing in the dome tent circus of destiny.
Enslaved, oppressed, and worse, abandoned
by its mutated offspring, who are both
the unbathed, wealthy, garish and drunken ringleader
and the broken, bored, banal plebian audience.

O, Africa,
the truth you speak is history
And you've shown the evil men do.
Yes, Africa, things undone have to be
Yes, drastic undoings for what they did to you.
Love must stand and defeat Power
Defeat, destroy, and decimate.
This cruel historical circus ends this hour
Africa and mankind wage war against hate.

Africa, my mother, you are no longer the dancing nation
Your children must and will now dance for your liberation