Monday, July 7, 2008

And it was written...From the Journals of--

Please excuse my 'writing' of excerpts of a private journal entry. I believe it is worth including here, though. And I've included a piece of poetry for the patient.

...If you've read my previous entries, you will understand my references to this third-party King character.

May 2008

Writing life in New York

King Rucks is a storyteller. The same storyteller of ages long ago. The bearded hermit, solemn, full of riddles and poetic bits of wisdom. The magician, the creator of culture and of a common worldview.

The same storyteller and miracle maker as Socrates, Homer, Jesus, Socrates, MLK. King Rucks tells them through written word, through speech, through situations, through audio-visual productions. As the message of storytelling has inevitably evolved, so has the medium.

King Rucks tells stories of pain and of pleasure, of despair and of hope, of destruction and of birth, of existence and of meanings.

Throughout each medium, your writings will be traces of what you were, and what you have yet to become. King Rucks will never exist, but the actions King Rucks would take are as real as the actions which he would bitterly condemn. Write the path of King Rucks, write the path of history.

Conscious existence is but a mere feeble whisper in the great span of the tornado of 14 billion years which is Being. There is no time to stumble. Every bump along your path must only define your next step. A child looks into the mirror, wondering how he will look with facial hair. A teenager looks into the mirror, wondering how he will look with a beard. A man looks into the mirror, wondering how he will look balding. A middle aged woman wonders how she will look completely gray. An old man looks into the mirror, sees his nonexistence, smiles, and wonders what his grandchild will look like with facial hair. With only a blink of the eye, a million moons rise, and this tragic human cycle passes on and on through blood-drenched centuries.

Live your existence with no worries, no regrets. Pain is the other side of pleasure, life is the other side of death. Stay focused on the vision of the old man in the mirror contemplating death, and you live every day, free, like the baby faced young child. Go, and write my child, my King.

A(miri). Baraka Speaks! 2-13-07

History speaks to Present
Facts, Fidel, fire
Newark 1967
Revolution is the main trend today
Burn, baby, burn

History stands behind the podium
Inspiring, invigorating, invincible
Forty years strong on the frontlines
Do not leave college ignorant and passive
Who blew up America? Who, who, who?

History speaks to Present
Art, activism, accord
Lenin and Dubois knew art was always political
Today’s generation must of forgot the word struggle
We are all slaves under imperialism so we are all brothers

But, History is an old man
Doddery, drained, defenseless
His power fades when his words end
He has seen it all and fights on
But twilight is inevitable, twilight descends

History speaks to Present
Politics, poets, people
Not all of us understand his politics
Not all of us subscribe to his poetics
But we are all History’s people
And with a leprechaun’s grin
History invites us to seize life, and seize power.